The Science-y Stuff

People have been talking about how to live the good life for centuries. Although there are many paths toward leading a better life, our center is inspired by scientific approaches to this question.  Over the last two decades, the science of psychology has learned that a number of simple habits and behavioral changes can lead to impressive shifts in human flourishing. We use these empirical insights from positive psychology and behavior change to set up spaces and programming aimed at allowing Yale students to live happier and more fulfilling lives. We have the unique goal of not only teaching students about the science of well-being through programming and events, but also allowing them to practice these insights through our programming. 

We've drawn on lots of scientific insights to build our program at the Good Life Center. We also partner with the Yale Well initiative by supporting students to be well in the following ways:

eat well

Eat Well


Love Well

eat well
move well

Move Well


Mind Well

mind well
rest well

Rest Well


Save Well

save well
seek well

Seek Well


Work Well

work well